Daydream First Aid for Writers

Writers, do your daydreams feel like nightmares? 

Maybe that grand vision for your book series doesn’t feel uplifting anymore; every time you think about it you get a headache. Or perhaps when you imagine yourself sitting down to write, your stomach hurts. You used to feel excited about writing, but now you feel mostly dread.

Daydreaming is supposed to be fun…  and yet many people say they feel worse after daydreaming than they did before! Either they can’t dream up anything good, or they end up feeling guilty or anxious about their daydreams. If this describes you, you need Daydream First Aid for Writers.

Daydream First Aid for Writers is a pdf course that contains three units of daydreaming prompts to help get you fantasizing about what and how you want to write, plus a First Aid Kit that will help you diagnose and treat your daydreams. The prompts are all hand-lettered over original art, for an overall dreamy experience. 

Not sure if the course is for you? I’ve got three ways for you to get a taste of what the course is like. Take a look at the course introduction. Sign up for my email list and I’ll send you a bonus daydreaming prompt. Check out this series of videos (15 minutes total), in which I take a troublesome daydream through the First Aid diagnosis and treatment process. 

P.S. Even if you don’t watch the rest of the videos you might want to check out Episode 5, a stop-motion video of one of my daydreams!

Buy Now!

There are two ways to take the course. With the self-paced version, you’ll get the 59-page pdf download plus a one-month membership in the School of Faliure online community. The School of Faliure has a dedicated forum for Daydreaming First Aid, where you can share your daydreams with others and get first aid support from me and the community. 

With the doctor-supervised version, you’ll get the pdf download, the one-month School of Faliure membership, and three sessions with me, the Daydream Doctor, to keep you on track and to help with diagnosis and treatment of your daydreams. You choose if you’d like 14-minute appointment or 29-minute appointments. 

Once you’ve made your purchase, you will receive your downloads and scheduling instructions by email, usually within 48 hours.