Faliure 101

I started the School of Faliure with no forethought or planning. While we’re all experts at failing, I’m an expert at making my failures feel fun and liberatory. Some of my proudest achievements have been failures! I’m still working out a theory and method for failure, and I’ll update this page as I write, speak, and consult more.

What is Failure?

You might be asking yourself: what does Headmaster Indigo mean by failure? Why would you want to fail? And is every failure ‘good’ and every success ‘bad’?

I recorded a short-ish video to talk about what my favorite kinds of failures have in common:

  • You risk something of value to you (reputation, money…)
  • You defy a socially accepted definition of success
  • You defy your own rigid rules for your behavior
  • You don’t harm anyone
  • You don’t do anything needlessly draining or dull

I’m sure I’ll write this up into some compelling prose someday, maybe even soon! But for today I find it easier to explain it all in a video, with some examples. I’d love to hear from you about anything else that defines a great failure. (And yes, this video is a failure!)

Transcript available here.